Friday, September 23, 2011

Will be blogging in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1..


This is actually my 4th blog in blogger since April.. I'm still trying to get a feel on what should be the theme or the content of this blog at least since I also have other blogs besides the ones I have in blogger. So I have decided that this blog will have everything.. from random sketches to digital art or to anything that I can use to show my passion for art! For starters, I'll be posting some of my old stuffs from my other accounts so I can take them down and just focus on this one.

And so I shall begin blogging starting with one of my favorite drawing exercises: Hands in Counting! 

OK fine. I have such weird hand drawings.. These are from way back in 2008. Seeing old drawings actually inspires me to do better. Yeah, I can do this! 

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